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August 14, 2019 by Susan Sheppard

OTG Meal Review

…….OTG Meals (On The Go Meals – bookmark this page as you will want to keep checking in as their progress to production happens) is a new and upcoming company that is providing campers with a whole new way of eating in the back country. When chatting with the owner/cook/brains behind the company, Randy, I was quick to realized that this was an idea that could really work for my family.

So, we discussed the meal options, which ones could be done without dairy, as well as simple meal options for my boys. Shortly after I received a box with a huge sampling of meals. I was so surprised and happy at the same time……..

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We eventually started the pack up process, and what a process it was. Trying to get the 10 inch nails out of the frozen ice sheet was more than a little bit of a challenge. Eventually we managed to loosen enough of the nails to get the tent down and packed up. We emptied the stove contents into the fire pit and let it cool down before and finished packing up. During our tear down process I opened up a package of lactose free ice cream freeze dried sandwiches that I purchased from OTG Meals. Well, these are AMAZING. We all had a sample from this package and we all agree they are yummy.

First Family Winter Hot Tent Camping Trip

First Family Winter Hot Tent Camping Trip - Sue's Outdoor Crew


I met Randy, the owner of OTG Meals at a Camping symposium I was presenting at. He had a table with a bunch of his meals and told me he wanted me to try some of them. We spoke a few times before the next paddling season and I was intrigued to try out OTG's products. I received my shipment and was excited from the start. The bags were smaller, single servings which were perfect for me because I go on mostly solo camping trips. I have tried many of the meals from OTG since and am surprised every time I try something new. HIs products have improved every time I've had one, which says a lot, because they were pretty awesome to begin with.

I love OTG Meals for many reasons. They are the perfect size and you don't have to worry about extra food being leftover. They are absolutely delicious; I would even go as far as to call them gourmet backcountry meals. The food always tastes really fresh and better than any other similar type of meal I've ever tried. OTG's meals are reasonably priced, you really get more than you pay for, but don't tell Randy that. The pouches are designed in a way that they usually stand up on their own, making it easier to fill them with water, or put them down if you need to free your hands for a moment. The labels are a good size, so they are easy to ready, even without your glasses, and did I mention they are delicious? I am a picky eater; I get migraines from processed foods and I have colitis. I haven't had an issue with any of the meals I've tried and there are lots of special food options on the menu as well, if that's something you require. Don't take my word for it. Order a few items from the menu and test them out for yourself. I guarantee you will love them.

Check out my solo tripping videos, to find more reviews on the OTG Meals I've tried so far! Here's a video about the most recent one, Shepperd's Pie. (I'll give you a hint, it was UNBELIEVABLE! ) Cheers!

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